Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit India is between October and March when the monsoon rains have ceased and the country is largely warm and dry. The climate does vary considerably by region though this is the peak travel season in Rajasthan and Kerala due to the agreeable weather conditions.

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The best time to visit India, and hence when the tourist season starts, is from November to the beginning of March. This is when India faces mostly moderate temperatures in the South, Central and the flat parts of North India. Certain parts of the high Himalayas are inaccessible in December and January, but by and large, you can expect clear sunny days across India. Yes, great beach weather too across all those months. Do bear in mind that October is a good month to visit most of India too, it is dry and not many tourists have still arrived. The afternoons in October can be a little hot, our only grudge with that month in India. Diwali, India’s biggest festival is celebrated either in late October or early November. We can highly recommend planning your trip around the festival of lights in India. Click on Plan Your Trip, if you want us to help you with it! If you plan your holiday during this time, it is best to book at least three months in advance to get the best pick of hotels at reasonable rates and hassle-free train reservations. The prime tourist destinations such as Rajasthan, Agra, Goa and Kerala get quite crowded. During Christmas and New Years, in particular, Goa is completely packed with domestic as well as international tourists. Having said this, it’s not just the benefit of cooler temperatures. If you like meeting other interesting travellers, and you like the buzz and excitement while you travel, then there’s nothing quite like seeing India in peak season. Check out our tour ideas, almost all of which, could be executed in these months.


A few events and festivals in India make for some of the best times to visit India. So, if you can, time your travel around any of the festivals in India, it’ll only further add to the charm of exploring this vibrant country. Diwali, the festival of lights is usually in October and sometimes at the beginning of November. Holi, the festival of colours, is in March. August and September are celebrated across the country with countless, diverse harvest and religious festivals. These include Ganesh Chaturthi (festival for the elephant-headed God), Onam (ten days harvest festival in Kerala), Navratri (nine days festival to celebrate the 9 incarnations of Goddess Durga) and Dussehra (a religious festival based on Hindu mythology). While it’s great to see and take part in local festivities and ceremonies, a lot of festivals in India are intimate family celebrations. Therefore, it would be best to stay at a homestay either North or South at that time. Just before and after festivals, trains get booked way in advance and flights are extremely costly. This is because most Indians travel to be with their families. So, try and do the same and book well in advance. The festive seasons may not always coincide with the holiday dates you had in mind. If you just give us a shout, we’ll help you plan the ideal trip while making sure you experience a traditional festive celebration or cultural event. There’s always something great going on in India, and we know exactly when and where.

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